Saturday, June 23, 2007

Finally Pictures of Singapore

I am still waiting for my friend to send me some pictures, but I was able to recover these few from my camera.

The MerLion from Sentosa Island

Bob on Sentosa with the Singapore skyline in the background

A temple in Little India

Final Picture my favorite dinner Kashmiri Rice and a chicken curry made with coconut and mangoes.

I have some finished objects but I have to wait until I can get a camera to use.

I also received my KTS3 package from Doborah. It contained so many good things, 2 skeins of Kroy in a denim blue, a skein of varigated in primary colors, some red mohair yarn, bannock bread mix, a bar of locally made soap, a knitted washcloth, bannock bread mix, a candle and tea two kinds of republic of tea, and some local Montana tea. Thanks Doborah

Next week I am off to Chisholm Minnesota for work. I will post some more when I return.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007 been tagged

Adrienne from Singapore tagged me....First time being tagged so here goes

7 random things about me

1) I don't care for 99% of the dogs I meet the two exceptions are Charlie and Sam Bono

2)I have always had a cat or two, when I was little we had around 10 in our backyard but they were not allowed inside the house.

3) I love dark chocolate.

4) My least favorite color is purple. My favorite color is red.

5) I have quit biting my nails with the help of some acrylic ones while some grow out.

6) I live in a 625 square foot house with one child, my husband and 3 cats.

7) I don't play any instruments but used to sing with a gospel group at church

I am tagging

Christie P of Ghostknitter
Chris of Stumbling over Chaos
Kathy in DC

I am waiting for pictures of Singapore from my friend Robin then I will post some more about that.