Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Warning Long Post

Let's start off with my trip for work to Chisholm Minnesota:

Yes, it is Bob Dylan drive located in Hibbing, MN
and it is in front of the house where he grew up.

The family that lives there has a real sense of humor check
out the garage

Next up is a short trip to California to see my sister and her family

We went to San Francisco to see the Wave Organ

Colin really liked trying to hear the waves through the pipes

Then a walk on the beach and back to Minnesota.

On to finished objects. While I was in Singapore I made a baby bib for one of the reservation agents who was expecting

Next two pairs of finished socks

The blue is
Lucy Neatby's Celestial Merino and the red is Mountain Colors Bearfoot in Ruby River.

Final finished object a cute baby hat modeling by Malena with the the help of a friend.

So tomorrow is the Minnesota State Fair and I can't wait to see who won in the knitting categories.

One last picture if you have a cat you need one of these:

Although you want one without the scratcher having been destroyed by Boo and the girls. Hours of fun for the cats and for only $8


Debra said...

Congrats to you!!! I saw your name in the sock category.

Chris said...

Wow, you have been BUSY!!! I see, from Debra's comments, that you won?? Yay!!

My, Chaos has the same cardboard scratcher I bought him as a kitten - it's worn out and he needs a new one, but it's NOT destroyed like that one!

Jeanne said...

Congrats on your socks. I've never had a scratcher destroyed quite like that before.

Dorothy said...

Congratulations on your socks!